Pass Christian Isles Men’s Golf Association
President: Mike Burke
Sr. Vice President: Bobby Jones
Secretary-Treasurer: Stan Gill
Monthly Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 6PM
Pass Christian Ladies Golf Association
President: Judy Veltman
Secretary: Eileen Guthrie
Treasurer: Rose Ogilvie
Board Members:
Sandy Byrne
JoAnn Chiasson
Joan Donnow
Susie Michael
Gwenn Voigts
Mission: To assist in the activities of the PCIGC and to promote camaraderie
among the club’s members. The Pass Christian Ladies Golf
Association sponsors fund-raising events
to encourage member fellowship and to purchase amenities for the club.
Membership is open to female members of PCIGC and/or the mothers, wives,
daughters, companions of club members.
Ladies play every Tuesday morning as well as help with
fund-raising and tournaments Dues
Dues: $20/yr, due June 1st